Friday, January 25, 2013

Welcome back to my newly revised blog, Been There, Done That, and Liked it (or NOT!!).

My blog started out as a review of restaurants my family and I had visited. Then we stopped eating out as much but I wanted to keep writing so I started adding in nifty recipes that I liked. Recently, though, I visited a really nice new nail salon in Lexington, SC that got me to thinking....I really would just love to share with the world simple reviews of places I go in general. Thus, the revision of my blog. Hopefully you'll see more frequent posts here now.  

The reviews, for the most part, are very fair and very accurate;  but keep in mind they are MY opinion. Take them at face value and keep the information handy if you're thinking of shopping at or eating at one of the places I 'critique'.  You will find that I'm just as passionate about sharing the good things as I am the bad. I've said it once and I'll say it again, if the place deserves praise, they'll get it from me. If they need constructive criticism, well....... they're going to get that, too (whether they ask for it or not and whether they like it or not).

Simply put, a business cannot grow without constructive feedback. If you're in business and you're a true business-minded person, you already know there's a critic on every corner. Keep your ship running tight and you'll find that the positive will far outweigh the negative.

Enjoy the new adventures of Been There, Done That, and Liked it (or NOT!!)

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