Saturday, July 7, 2012

NOT TO EAT: Columbiana Super Buffet, Columbia, SC

Location: Columbiana Super Buffet: Columbiana Drive, Columbia, SC
To Eat or Not To Eat?..........Only if you want to die of food poisining!

Oh my gosh.....did we do something today that we never ever condone and would never EVER do knowingly. Yes we did. We ate at a troubled restaurant with a grade of 'C'. You heard me right, completely unknowingly did we do this. So,word to the wise, stay FAR FAR Away from Columbiana Super Buffet on Columbiana Drive in Columbia, SC.

How can I describe this so you will understand? The best way is probably with the raw truth. Grade of C HIDDEN by a poster, air conditioner on the fritz, staff that conveniently chooses to not understand English when you ask questions, cold food that tasted absolutely
N-A-S-T-Y. Nasty enough that, after the first bite, you start looking around for what is really wrong with the place. Seek and ye shall find.....sopping wet carpet in 1/4 of the restaurant that eventually draws your attention to the black mold creeping up the baseboards and wall, behind the wall paper, and on to the ceiling.

Did I file an online complaint with the Richland County Health Department? Yes I did. Did I email the pictures that I took of the restaurant walls and sanitation grade? Yes I did. Did I stand outside of the restaurant and shoo people away? YES I DID. Now I'm encouraging you to tell everyone you NOT EVER EAT HERE!!!

Long story short....To Eat or Not To EAT? Only if you have  a death wish.....

No Bon Appetite here!!!


  1. Follow up..... This location has been closed!! YAAAYYYYYYY!!!

  2. closed due to the mold you referred to, perhaps you were the sole person to force their closing. owners moved back up to NY. not sure if you noticed their roach problem, but they had one.

    good job in bringing down this sad excuse for a buffet!

    1. Thanks for the follow up, John. We had noticed they were closed, but never got a follow up from the health department. One disgusting adventure brought to an end!!!
